
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

When Negligence Can Be a Good Thing

About, oh, I don't know, 4 months ago, I planted various vegetables in 2 of my garden boxes.  Then, I nurtured them for a couple of weeks.  Then, I forgot about them....completely.  During the last 2 weeks, we had a few days here and there of sunny, warmer, somewhat spring-like weather.  So, I got the garden bug.  I walked around my garden bed to think about the spring planting season, and to see the damage from the winter garden.  Surprisingly enough, we had produce!!!  My block of turnips made about 20 or so very nice sized turnips, which we smothered down with pork roast, twice.  It.was.good!  Last night, for dinner, we brought in a hand full of lettuce, which tasted oddly like broccoli, for a salad with vinaigrette, and we also brought in several hand fulls of baby carrots!  I say they were 'baby carrots' only because since I neglected the garden so much, they were never thinned out, so they made a whole bunch of small carrots, instead of several good sized carrots.  Either way, it was all very tasty!  We steamed the carrots with butter, and that with the salad was the perfect accompaniment to go with a Sunday evening steak night (homegrown beef, of course =)  Now, I can't wait until spring, when Phil has promised to help me out with a big garden this year!!!  He is WAY better at growing veggies than I....

Our "baby" carrots


noreen said...

Hi Cathy, I saw your profile picture on another website and I loved the sound of it and had to check it out! I am one month into the world of blogging and have been pleasantly surprised at the amount of Catholic mom blogs! I thought I had an original idea and quickly learned that I am one of many and what a blessing it's been.

Congrats on your new baby boy!

Cathy LeBlanc said...

Thanks, Noreen! And, yes, there is quite the abundance of Catholic Mom bloggers around =) It is fun to see a glimpse into other people's family life...comforting, too, to know I'm not the only one who struggles sometimes!

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